Sustainable mobility
Transitioning to electric vehicles is critical, but it’s not enough if we don’t use our cars better. Challenge accepted.​
Fewer cars, more drivers

To make mobility sustainable, we need to change how we use cars. That’s why we've decided to do things differently.

Spark a sharing revolution

By empowering our members to share their cars, we can consume fewer resources, reduce the need for individual cars, and use our urban space better. That’s why the 01 was designed with a built-in sharing platform and sharable digital keys.

Electrified vehicles

The 01 is a plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHEV) with a 75 km pure electric range. The range is enough for most people to do their daily driving using only electric power. In 2024 we’ll launch our first fully electric car.

Sustainable lifestyles

A more sustainable lifestyle goes beyond your car. That’s why we’ve curated a selection of eco-friendly, independent brands and carry their products in our Clubs.

Strategic initiatives